It’s that time of year – time for the obligatory Thanksgiving-related post. What am I thankful for? Of course there are the go-to responses: my family, boyfriend, friends and health. (And of course, for the yearly Dallas Cowboys’ Thanksgiving Day game! How ‘bout them Cowboys?) Also, in my everyday life, I’m thankful for my clients.
Every agency employee has come across the bad client – the one who doesn’t return your phone calls, has stale ideas and (gasp) refuses to follow AP style. Here at Articulate, I’m happy to say that our clients are completely different: they are innovative, have great ideas and are excited about telling their stories.
One example is Cycle Computing. Last week, the company’s founder and CEO, Jason Stowe, attended the SuperComputing 2009 conference in Portland, Ore. During his four short days in Portland, Jason told the Cycle Computing story (the company provides HPC and open source solutions in the cloud) to no less than six journalists and five industry analysts. Why do these influencers want to speak with Jason? His company’s technology is hot (cloud computing was recently named one of the top strategic technologies for 2010 by Gartner) and he has a passion about the topic that comes through in his interviews. Cycle Computing has worked with clients in multiple industries and Jason is not hesitant to speak about these experiences, linking his technology to the trends and high-end business goals in each industry.
Jason is just one example of the many great clients we have at Articulate, and we are proud of all of our client’s successes. These are the successes that I am thankful for this Thanksgiving – the ability to work with such passionate people and share their stories with the outside world.
By Ashleigh Egan